
Journal of Domestic Animal
Practice & Research

( A Peer-Reviewed Journal )

“New Issue Launched”

Inaugural Issue

Journal of Domestic Animal Practice & Research
(Peer Reviewed Open Access Online International Journal)

Founder and Editor-in-Chief

Prof. Govind Narayan Purohit MVSc, Ph.D, MNVAS

Executive Editors Dr. Amit Chaudhary and Dr. Swati Ruhil

    Journal of Domestic Animal Practice                             & Research


Editorial Board


Pages (1-39)


  • Mini Review

Lumpy skin disease: An emerging threat to bovine.

V.C. Ingle, Govind Narayan Purohit, Alka Galav, Komal Khichar, Kritika Dhial, and Atul Rathod.
Pages 1-6.

  • Original Research

Histochemical studies on the rectum of goats (Capra hircus).

Raj Kumar Siyag, Ashok Dangi, Pankaj Kumar Thanvi, Pura Ram, Devendra Saran, Shashi Kumar, Sanwar Mal, and Priyanka.
Pages 7-14.

  • Short Communication

Assessment of incidence of pseudopregnancy in Jamunapari goats at an organized farm.

Chetna Gangwar, S.P. Singh, Ravi Ranjan and S. D. Kharche.

Pages 15-17.

  • Original Research

Ovarian biometry and ovarian follicular fluid proteins during different phases of the estrous cycle in buffalo (Bubalus bubalis).

Sasi G, Govind Narayan Purohit, Ashok Kumar, and Amit Kumar.
Pages 18-24.

  • Case report

Management of secondary uterine inertia in crossbred sow by caesarean section

Swati Ruhil, Sandeep Potliya, Harpreet Singh, Biswa Ranjan Maharana, and Anita Ganguly.

Pages 25-27.

  • Case report

Surgical management of obstructive urolithiasis by ultrasound-guided tube cystotomy in a ram.

Sandeep Saharan, Amit Kumar, Naveen Kumar, and Anju Poonia.      

Pages 28-32.

  • Original research

Original research

Genetic evaluation of Surti buffalo to predict the 305 days milk yield using connectionists (Artificial Neural Network) methods.

Priyank Vyas, Pallavi Joshi, Urmilla Pannu, Ved Prakash

Pages 33-39.

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