
Journal of Domestic Animal
Practice & Research

( A Peer-Reviewed Journal )

“New Issue Launched”

Submission of Manuscripts

Manuscripts in English language should be submitted online to JDAPR for possible publication through the Online Journal System  JADPR Manuscript Submission Form should be signed by all authors. The completed form should be scanned and uploaded during the Online Submission Process. If you find difficulty in submitting your manuscripts through the online system authors can submit their manuscripts directly to the editor at or

JADPR editorial board, considering the feedback from the reviewers, makes an objective and quick decision on each manuscript and informs the corresponding author as soon as possible.

Publication Fees:

Article Publication Charge (APC) applies to manuscripts accepted after a peer review. There are no submission charges.

– All articles published in JDAPR are published in full open access. In order to provide free access to readers, and to cover the costs of peer review, copyediting, typesetting, long-term archiving, and journal management and costs, APC of Rs.2000 or 50 USD applies to papers accepted after peer review. The editorial board may waive off part or full charges of publication under certain circumstances with papers of high quality.

The journal does not promote plagiarism hence all submitted manuscripts shall be checked for plagiarism using appropriate software. The authors shall be responsible for any inadvertent appearance of plagiarism in their manuscripts and neither the Editors nor the Publishers hold any responsibility for such appearance.

Submission of a manuscript to JDAPR implies that:

Type of manuscripts:

Manuscript preparation:

Title of the manuscript should be appropriate to the nature of the paper. All submitted manuscripts should include: Title page and Abstract. For original research papers, text should be organized as follows: Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion, and References. For case reports, text should be organized as follows: Introduction, Case Details, Discussion, and References. Review articles should be organized as: Introduction and then the rest of the article may be appropriately subdivided according to the authors’ choice. Because short communications are brief, Results and Discussion sections should be combined in one section as “Results and Discussion”.

Submit Your Manuscript

Before submitting your manuscript, make sure that you have written your manuscript according to the journal’s “INSTRUCTIONS FOR AUTHORS”.
Include Tables at the end of your manuscript following the References list. Figures legends “captions”, but not Figures, can be written at the end of the manuscript, as Figures should be uploaded separately during the submission process.

JDAPR Manuscript Submission Form This form must be signed by all authors. Please scan the completed form and attach it electronically during the submission process.

Submit Your Manuscript Once your manuscript and References are written according to the journal’s Instructions for Authors, and the JDAPR Manuscript Submission Form is signed by all authors, now you can upload your manuscript through the Online Journal Management System.

Submit Your Manuscript

Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 10 files.

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